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    The growing need for better leadership transitions

    The attraction and retention of top senior talent have never been more important than in our current culture. Speaking at a Harvard Business Review Event, Michael D Watkins, said “Today we are in a world of transition – there is so much change going on… well-structured and delivered transition support halves the time required for leaders to become fully effective in their new roles.” This transient zeitgeist has only been reinforced by the Covid-19 global pandemic which gave many the opportunity to pause and re-assess the trajectory of their lives and careers, leading to ‘The Great Resignation’ peaking in the summer of 2021. With many people quitting their job – statistics from 2022 show that of a global sample surveyed, 40% of workers were considering leaving their jobs…[Download full version to read more]

      Ask yourself these questions to assess the effectiveness of your transition to a new leader.

      1. Do I understand the context and culture of my new team and organization from the perspective of key stakeholders?

      2. Do I have a clear plan for the first 100 days identifying my priorities and what I intend to do, communicate, and learn?

      3. Am I clear on intended outcomes and how I will measure my success?

      4. How will I manage… [Download full version to read more]