Our Policy and Commitments

At TalentPredix we believe that Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion (DEI) are essential to our purpose of unleashing exceptional talent and thriving careers.

We recognize that having a workforce that represents our diverse communities is vital. We believe that understanding and appreciating differences will make us stronger and therefore welcome people of all backgrounds to bring their authentic and best selves to working at TalentPredix.

We strive to build an environment where everyone is treated with fairness, respect, and has equal access to opportunities and resources for all employees regardless of age, disability, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, parental status, parental leave, race, ethnicity, and religious beliefs amongst other diverse groups. Discrimination, harassment, bullying, victimisation and unfair treatment of any kind will not be tolerated in our workplace.

We are committed to:

  • Removing barriers toward equal opportunities in the way we advertise and recruit for our roles
  • Promoting a work culture of respect, support, dignity and inclusion for all where individual strengths, differences and contributions are recognized and valued
  • Conducting regular staff surveys containing items to evaluate perceptions of inclusion, fairness and psychological safety (ability to speak up freely and be heard without fear of recrimination or other negative consequences)
  • Increasing awareness of DEI through our onboarding, training, and development programs so that our employees understand the importance of the policy and can play a role in implementing it.
  • Providing transparent and equal career development and progression opportunities to employees
  • Ensuring all contractors and suppliers understand our DEI policy, principles, and commitments
  • Ensuring the voices of all employees are represented, listened to and amplified (where needed).
  • Engaging in broader social impact and DEI initiatives through our Social Pledge by supporting and partnering with non-profit and voluntary sector organizations
  • Taking seriously any complaints of bullying, harassment, victimisation and unlawful discrimination by fellow employees, customers, suppliers, visitors, the public and any others during the company’s work activities. Such acts will be dealt with as misconduct under the organisation’s grievance or disciplinary procedures, and appropriate action will be taken.
  • Encouraging employees to contribute to social impact initiatives that contribute to a fairer, more equitable society by providing opportunities and time off for voluntary sector and charity work.
  • Providing opportunities for neurodiverse people, including offering personalized support and changing work practices insofar as possible to accommodate their diverse cognitive, social, and learning styles
  • Maintaining a zero-tolerance approach to bullying, harassment, and discrimination
  • Promoting flexible working arrangements for all employees (where their role permits this) to ensure a healthy balance between work and personal/home commitments
  • Providing equal pay to our people regardless of their gender identity and/or expression, or any other factors unrelated to job performance
  • Measuring progress objectively against DEI goals on a regular basis to evaluate progress and ensure ongoing improvements

Our commitments and actions are guided by the eight International Labour Organisation (ILO) conventions, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), and the UN Women’s Empowerment Principles (UN WEP).


Our Social Pledge

Unemployment and social injustice in hiring and other work practices are still far too common. To make a positive difference to alleviate these challenges, we have committed to a 3-point social pledge. This involves:

  • Donating part of the proceeds from the sale of each TalentPredix™ profile to help unemployed people discover their talents and improve their job search outcomes.
  • Conducting free training events for unemployed people to help them manage their motivation when out of work and improve their chances of securing jobs.
  • Working with businesses, the government and voluntary organizations to help alleviate these challenges, wherever we can.


DEI in our Assessment Science and Application

TalentPredix takes care not to discriminate unfairly based on demographic factors such as gender, age, racial group, disability, sexual orientation, etc.

Some popular personality assessments pigeonhole people into broad, oversimplified personality types and categories, reinforcing narrow thinking and stereotyping about people.

At TalentPredix, we ensure our assessments are always designed and applied in a manner that is free from unfair bias and any adverse impact based on factors unrelated to job performance. Moreover, we are committed to using our assessments for advancing positive social change and equity in society by focusing on better understanding people’s strengths, differences, and individuality and empowering them to optimize these to thrive in their career and achieve a better quality of life. Used effectively, our assessments provide clients with unbiased evaluations of strengths, talents, and potential by focusing on accurate and reliable predictors of success at work. They also unlock more diverse, inclusive, engaged, and higher-performing teams and workplaces.

To achieve this, we are committed to the following actions:

  • Ensuring our assessments are designed in a way that reduces the risks of any unequal access, unfair discrimination, and adverse impact
  • Training and certifying all practitioners to use and interpret the assessments in a competent, professional and fair manner in line with this policy
  • Closely monitoring the application of our assessments and user feedback to identify and minimize risks of any discriminatory effects in HR and talent decisions
  • Inviting consent to capture demographic data and conducting ongoing research to analyse any bias or adverse impact in the way the test is constructed and used. All demographic data captured is stored securely and not shared with employers with matched identifying information.
  • Promoting access to people with visual, learning and motor impairments by ensuring user-friendly navigation of our assessment, straightforward language and providing Accessibility Guidelines and support.
  • Ensuring our assessments have a published technical manual containing detailed information on the development, reliability, validation, and norms for each assessment. We use the British Psychological Society (BPS), European Federation of Psychologists Associations (EPPA) and American Psychological Association (APA) standards for psychological testing to guide the design of our assessments and the development of our manuals.
  • Encouraging clients to build fairer, more diverse workplaces by challenging biased and unfair ways of recruiting, developing, and managing their employees. This includes highlighting more effective and fairer alternatives to assess talents, potential and abilities than relying solely on resumes/CVs, interviews, and experience.
  • Conducting rigorous cross-culture equivalency testing across different regions/geographies in which we operate to ensure translated versions of the assessment don’t result in any discriminatory or adverse effects on culturally diverse groups.