Your role in helping people achieve their full potential
A key part of your role as manager is to coach and guide your team to help them understand, clarify, and progress their career goals and achieve their full potential. Coaching is a collaborative and supportive relationship involving mutual trust, reflection and exploration. Through a process of discovery, goal setting, and focused action, it can facilitate extraordinary outcomes.
Specific ways you can support team members include:
- Create a supportive and empathetic environment that’s conducive to meaningful conversations
- Ensure everyone on the team knows their role and what they contribute to the company’s overall objectives
- Help each team member understand what it takes to get promoted to the next level
- Support each team member to create a focused and stretching personal development plan that enables them to optimize their strengths, improve weaker areas and performance limiters and explore challenging opportunities outside their comfort zone
- Provide encouragement, recognition, and confidence building, ensuring people feel valued, supported, and empowered
- Provide timely and constructive feedback on both areas of strength and opportunities for improvement
- Offer practical advice and help with career topics such as networking, mentoring, career opportunities, how to earn a promotion, recovering after a professional setback, etc.
Key Coaching Skills
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